Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WordPress, Webcrusher, or Wyoming?

Hello everyone from Noodles and Sam,
The Adventures of Noodles and Sam team has been busy behind the scenes while Noodles & Sam have been out and about learning. We have been busy building our new blog site and our main site.
WordPress = good <> Webcrusher = not sure
We are hoping you like the new WordPress blog. Noodles & Sam and the team are very excited about it. WordPress has been very easy for us to use and customize. For the experienced or inexperienced the tools that are provided make it a comfortable place to settle in and call home. We have been working on The Adventures of Noodles and Sam website as well but behind the scenes. We used a program called Webcrusher to help the website open faster. Some of the feedback we have received from our great fans is the site is a little slow. The Webcrusher program did help the site open faster but was difficult to use and we are a little worried about the ability and ease to update the site now. Please let us know what you think and if you see any problems pop up. As you know we ad content to the site everyday so if you don't see it updated let us know. We appreciate all of your feedback. As you can see we listen to all of it and try to respond as soon as we can.
Wyoming's Cool Days
Noodles & Sam are in Wyoming, USA and having a great time seeing the sites, learning, and meeting new people.  The weather is a cool 38 degrees today and should be snowing by tomorrow. January is typically the coldest month in Wyoming and July is the warmest there. It is a good thing Noodles & Sam brought their winter clothes with them from their Germany adventure. The Wyoming adventure is becoming a great follow up to the German adventure. They are spending most of their time at the local elementary school. The teacher, Kitty has even written and prepared a few lesson plans for them and the students to use while Noodles & Sam are there. We will keep you posted.
We want to thank all of our great fans and followers. You are making The Adventures of Noodles and Sam grow everyday. You are helping kids and families spend time together and learn about the world. Please let us know if there is a place you would like them to learn about or if you would like them to come see you.
Until next time,
The Adventures of Noodles and Sam team

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Check it out!

Hey everyone,
Noodles and Sam have created a great new blog. Here is the link: It's really fun and cool. It will keep you up to date on all of their adventures and what they are learning about today. Be sure to subscribe to it so you don't miss out on anything.

Thanks everyone for being apart of,
 The Adventures of Noodles and Sam!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Truly Amazing!!

Hello and Happy New Year from Noodles & Sam,
Noodles and Sam are having a fantastic time in Germany. Rachel (and family) their hosts have been wonderful, they have opened their doors to Noodles and Sam and have made them a part of their family. They all are having such a great time that we are adjusting their travel calendar to allow them some extra time in Germany. It seems as though neither their hosts or Noodles and Sam are ready for the adventure to be over. Noodles and Sam have been able to experience a traditional German Christmas, have been able to see some of the sites (when it wasn't snowing) and even got to ring in the new year with their new German friends.
This adventure has been truly amazing and a fantastic way to start the new year!
Getting Ready
Although they have been busy Noodles & Sam have started thinking about their next adventure. If you don't know they will be traveling to the state of Wyoming here in the United States of America. They will be staying with a school teacher there and will probably spend some time with some of her students. We have been told that it is snowing a lot there but Noodles & Sam should be ready. Spending all of this time in Germany has prepared them for the snow. We will be trying again to do another Skype call from the Wyoming classroom as we tried in our Cambodian adventure. We will keep you posted.
Priority #1
We want to thank all of Noodles & Sam's many friends and followers from around the world. You made 2010 a great year filled with fun, learning and excitement. The Noodles & Sam team also learned a lot this past year and we appreciate all of your great e-mails and feedback (both good and  the constructive advice). We want to promise that together we will make 2011 an even better, bigger, brighter year for The Adventure of Noodles and Sam. We have so many ideas, projects, places and things we want to do it is hard to know where to start and find the time. We plan on many things like new videos, lessons, book club, game, cartoon, on an on the list goes. Our very first priority is learning. We will be concentrating on making sure that all of the pages we have learned about have all of the information on them. Thats priority #1.
Noodles & Sam mantra for 2011 is "See-Learn-Share"
Thats it for now. Let us know what adventure you would like to see us on next. Thank you for 2010 and what is to be a fantastic 2011. We want to say a special hello to our new friend in Tel Aviv, Israel before we go.
The Adventures of Noodles and Sam Team

Noodles & Sam in Germany @ the Zwinger Palace 

N&S in Dresden at the Center for the Academy of the Arts

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's Cold!

Hello from Noodles and Sam,
No matter where you are in the world right now you are probably bearing some crazy weather. We spoke to Noodles and Sam and they want to be sure you take extra time and be super safe. They are in Long Island, New York today and they just checked in and told us that it's 34 degrees there. That's pretty cold, what's the weather like where you live?
Snow Days
Our friends from Germany have sent us some pictures. Although Noodles and Sam haven't gotten there yet our friends wanted us to see what the weather is like. Below is a picture of the city in Germany of where they are headed. The picture is of the local firehouse. All the snow you see in the picture has fallen just over the last week; it's piling up very quickly.
Always Looking
Noodles and Sam are always looking for ways to make their website better. They have received many great ideas and e-mails. They read all of them and as a result you will see some changes being made over the next week and months. All of us here really appreciate it.
Where in the World
Noodles and Sam have been all over the globe now. They have been everywhere from Battembang, Cambodia to Lytton, Iowa and places in between. Let us know what your favorite trip or adventure was. They get requests to go all over the world, let us know where you would like to see them go and learn about next and if we go there we will send you a Noodles and Sam bracelet for you and your family!
That's it
Well it has been a busy week for all of us. Thank you for being apart of The Adventures of Noodles and Sam where Learning About the World is Made Fun!
Until next time, Merry Christmas!,
The Adventures of Noodles and Sam Team

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Smooth Sailing!

Hello from Noodles and Sam,
They are leaving today for their next adventure. It is sure to be full of fun and excitement. The world of Noodles and Sam is growing everyday and this time of year really make us appreciate all of you who are apart of it. Noodles and Sam have followers in over 28 countries and 32 states. Please know how much fun we have with Noodles and Sam, look forward to doing this everyday and wish we could spend more time.
Smooth Sailing
We all want to thank their hosts from Germany and wish them a very Merry Christmas! We have had to work through some logistical bumps but it looks like it is smooth sailing from here. Their itinerary has changed a bit. They will now be heading to Long Island, New York for a few days before the trip to Dresden, Germany. They will also be in New York for New Years once they return from Germany. Below is a picture of the snow that is waiting for them in Dresden. They packed their snow suits so they will be ready!
Germany Here We Come!
Rocking Out
Noodles and Sam were invited yesterday to go Kansas next July for an adventure. That adventure will be a little different than the rest. They will be attending a Christian Worship Leaders Conference. While there they will be meeting several Christian singers (like Matt Redman, Rebecca St. James and more) and learn how they create the music they listen to. That is sure to be an incredible adventure.
Thats it,
for now. We will keep you posted on their trip. Please keep your e-mails, questions and suggestions coming. We want to say a special hello to our new friends in Long Island, New York!
Until next time,
The Adventures of Noodles and Sam Team 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Candy, Cargo & the Capital...Fun Stuff!

Hello from Noodles and Sam,
It has been a busy last few days for Noodles and Sam. They finished packing up for Germany and will be leaving in the morning. Since they will be spending Christmas there they have promised to send plenty of postcards. We think they are going to be so busy learning and having fun that they might forget to send them, we'll have to see.
Noodles, Sam and the team got the pictures back from their Haiti Adventure. It was a fairly quick trip (considering some) and it was primarily focused in one area on rebuilding a church/school. It was great to be apart of it. We worked on the Haiti page this weekend on the website. We still have some work to do but check out the pictures.
Noodles and Same were busy updating their website the last few days. They were able to get a few new pages up. Pages like the Candy Shop, Skydiving, Washington D.C. and even U.P.S. We do want to thank Jerry at  Logan's Candies, Dan at Skydive Perris, Laura and Clements International and Morgan at the United Parcel Service. Without their help none of us would be able to learn about the great things they have showed and taught us. We have the pages up but we still need to add all of the great things we learned.
Noodles, Sam and the team want to thank you all for your patience. They have been traveling so much it is hard to get all of the great things they learn about on their website. Sometimes it takes longer than Noodles and Sam want but all of us here really want to thank you!
Well....thats it for now. We will keep you posted on how things go with Noodles and Sam's trip to Germany. As always we want to say thank you for being apart of this, There is something very special happening here and you all are apart of it. Before we go we want to say a big hello to our new friends in Paraiba, Brazil.
Merry Christmas,
The Adventures of Noodles and Sam team

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Candy Man

Hello from Noodles & Sam,
Like always they want to say thank you to all of their many fans and followers. They appreciate all of the fun and friendly e-mails and invitations they get! They love learning from each of you so they can then teach it to the rest of the Noodles & Sam world, our world.
The Candy Man
Last night as you know Noodles and Sam got a front row seat at Logan's Candies while they were making candy canes. They got home to late to update their website with some of the pictures and fascinating things they learned. We will get some of them up today but we can tell you making candy canes is an amazing adventure. Logan's will hand make over 75,000 candy canes this Christmas season. One batch weighs 17 to 18 pounds and will make about 400. It was super cool and we want to thank Jerry, Susie, Abigail and the rest of the gang for letting us be apart of it!
New Zealand
Last night while making candy canes Noodles and Sam got a special invitation to New Zealand. They will be heading to Australia and New Zealand in April and now it looks like they will be heading back there during the summer. It looks like we all will have to have our thinking caps on next year, we will be busy learning all year long.
All Aboard
Noodles and Sam are packing up. They should have their suit cases packed this weekend and ready to leave on Monday for Germany. They have been practicing their German but it looks like they are really going to need Rachel (their host) to help them. They are very excited about the trip and about all of the things they are going to experience, see and learn.
Thats it for now. Noodles and Sam want to say a special hello to their new friend in Istanbul, Turkey!
Until next time, Merry Christmas from
Noodles and Sam and the team!