Friday, October 29, 2010

Well Were Home!!

Hello Everyone,
Well  Noodles and Sam returned home a yesterday, they had a wonderful trip to Cambodia.  We are in the process of doing our homework for the Cambodia page.  Those pictures will be up very soon, Noodles and Sam  learned so much about the country and we are very excited to share what they learned.  The Skype video call is almost done being edited and should be up on the website this weekend.  We want to thank all the kind people of Cambodia for all their wonderful support and help in coordinating our trip.  We have made several friends and were greatful for the opportunity.

Coming Soon:
Noodles and Sam have several projects in the works, we are excited about the fun items we'll have on the website real soon.  Some items to look out for will be a new teach/parent page, on this page you will be able to find lesson plans.  Those plans will incorporate the use of The Adventures Of Noodles And Sam website, they are designed to be interactive.  We are also going to start a book club for all our friends because Noodles and Sam think it is really important for kids to read daily, we will have discussions and book reviews. 
The Adventures Of Noodles And Sam will also have an online store where you can purchase Noodles and Sam merchandise and specialty items that will be offered exclusively thru The Adventures Of Noodles And Sam.  A portion of all sales will go back to charity, stay tuned for details. 

We have a question for all our followers out there, we have started to put the adventures on both a website page with pictures and captions and a learning video.  Is there a preference for one or the other?  We would appreicate some feedback, we want to make sure we are putting the information Noodles and Sam bring home in the format people like to read or watch.  

We want to say a great big Noodles and Sam hello to our friends in Hawaii-USA, Brazil, France and Canada I am sure we will be visiting those places real soon. We want to thank all our friends and followers from all over the world for all their support and great emails.  Keep them coming, we love to recieve mail.  Thank you again!

Remember learning is fun!,
The Adventures Of Noodles And Sam Team

Monday, October 25, 2010

Lots of Things Going On!

Noodles and Sam say hello,
They have been so busy getting ready to come home we haven't spoken to them much the last few days. They have been in a part of Cambodia with no internet and little phone access. This has been there longest trip yet; although they are doing some great things we are missing them and can't wait until they get home on Thursday!
They have a lot of exciting things going on so we have been helping them out here while they are gone. Some of the things we need your help with.....
International Skype Video
As you probably know our skype video call to Cambodia went great but wow, editing the video is way more time consuming than we expected. Let us know if you have any tips or suggestions, the help would be great. Keep in mind we use a Mac.
Around The World
All of your e-mails have been great. Noodles and Sam would love to come visit you and learn about where you live. Remember that kids and families all over the world want to see what makes where you live special no matter how big or small your city is. The more information the better. We would love to know if there is a learning or travel adventure you haven't seen. Let us know at !
We are pretty excited to share some news with Noodles and Sam when they return from Cambodia. They have had a desire to see Haiti and hopefully bring some attention to the long road of healing that is still ahead of them. They have been wanting to raise some money for the kids there like they did for the kids in Cambodia. It is a desire they pray about everyday. We found out yesterday that our church will be sending a medical team there next month. We spoke to the missions pastor about taking Noodles and Sam with them. Hopefully it will work out, if not we will wait for the next opportunity and keep the people there in our prayers.
We mentioned a while back that UPS invited Noodles and Sam to take a learning adventure tour of their 3rd largest facility. We took the tour and they were great but due to security reasons we weren't allowed to take the pictures. UPS took all of the pictures during the tour and explained everything as we went along. Unfortunately we have never heard from them again. We hope their tour team is okay and we hope they will eventually send us the pictures so we can share them with you. It is really strange.
Remember to Vote
Next week Noodles and Sam will be visiting the Mayor of our city as well as meeting all of the city council members. They were learning about government just before they left and how important it is to vote. One thing they reminded The Noodles and Sam team about was to make sure you study before you vote. Make sure you know what you are voting for before you get there. They will be voting so I am sure they will have pictures for you.
Facebook & Twitter
Make sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter (the team thinks 222 friends and growing is pretty awesome)! Keep spreading the word and help us get the number even higher. We would love it if you could help us get it to 500.
Thank You,
It has been another great week at The Adventures of Noodles and Sam. we want to thank all of our friends from around the world. As always we want to say a special hello to our new friends in Washington D.C. and New York City, New York.
Until next time,
The Adventures of Noodles and Sam team

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Noodles and Sam say hello again from Cambodia,
Noodles and Sam are still in Cambodia having a fun time and learning a lot. Everybody there has been so nice to them! As we mentioned last time our call to them was great but they weren't able to see the kids at the school they raised the money for. So Noodles and Sam decided to cancel their Hawaii adventure and stay in Cambodia  for a few extra days or as long as it takes. They really want to make sure they get to the school. They brought a lot of fun questions with them and they can't wait to meet all of the kids there. Besides all of that they have been looking forward to bringing the donated money and talking to them for weeks. Noodles and Sam apologized to their Hawaii hosts. Although they were disappointed about not seeing Hawaii they know they are doing something special. One of their Cambodia hosts is going to video tape their visit to the school and send it back with them. We will definitely keep you updated.
We are still working on editing the skype video call we made last week. It is taking a little longer than expected but we were able to get a picture of it on the website. To have our team talk to Noodles and Sam from around the world you realize they are doing something really incredible, (as you all remind us). They aren't trying to recreate a paper doll that was created in the 60's. What they are doing is trying to do is teach and connect kids from around the world in way that is relevant to todays technological culture around them.  Over the course of the last few days we got the official names and titles of who Noodles and Sam were with on the call and who we spoke to. The gentlemen's name is Veasnaten and he is the Director of Foreign Affairs for Cambodia. Sokunthea was the nice young lady we spoke to and she is the assistant to the Director of Foreign Affairs.
Before Noodles and Sam had left they had been working on a new way to present everything they learn on their adventures. Instead of just listing some information with the pictures they decided to start making a little video. The first one Noodles and Sam did was of their Japan adventure. We put it on the blog page on the website and it also can be found on YouTube. Let us know what you think. So far the response has been amazing and we appreciate all of the great feed back,  so it looks like they will be doing more of them.
There is always so many good things happening with The Adventures of Noodles and Sam it is hard to know where to stop. Noodles and Sam were contacted about going on another Africa adventure. Instead of going to South Africa this time they will be heading to the northern part, Senegal, Africa. The adventure is booked for spring of next year so we will keep you posted.
As always thank you for all of your great e-mails and correspondence! We want to say a special hello to our friends in Lublin, Poland and Chelyabinsk, Russia. Let us know when you are ready and Noodles and Sam will come visit you.
Until next time,
The Adventures of Noodles and Sam Team

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Adventures of Noodles and Sam - Japanese Adventure

Hello from the Adventures of Noodles and Sam team!
Noodles and Sam are still in Cambodia but we wanted to show you a video we finished that we have been working on. It is about their adventure to Japan and everything they learned while they were there. We learned a lot and had a really fun time making it. Check it out and let us know what you think!
Until next time,
The Adventures of Noodles and Sam team

Thursday, October 14, 2010

It was Amazing!

Noodles and Sam say Good Night (they mean Good Morning),
It is actually night time right now in Cambodia but we heard from them just before the went to sleep. We had a great time last night and even were able to see them all the way from Cambodia. As you know and as we had all been planning for weeks we were going to do a Skype video call with Noodles and Sam and the class that we raised the money for. We had heard a few days ago that they may not be able to get internet access to the school. It is located in Battembang, Cambodia which is some what of a remote province and not as developed as other parts of the country. They will be taking lots of pictures when they get to Battembang which you will get to see when Noodles and Sam return from their trip.
So we were a little bummed out after all of the planning and anticipation for the trip and the video call didn't happen with the kids. But something did happen and it was truly, totally, amazing! Noodles and Sam are being treated like rock stars. They are being taken all over and experiencing Cambodia like VIP's. They are currently in Phnom Penh which is the capital city. It is where the Cambodian Parliament works and where the king lives. Knowing that the kids from the school in Battembang wouldn't be able to be there, Noodles and Sam's hosts arranged for a member of the Cambodian Parliament and his assistant to speak with us instead. Being a member of the Cambodian Parliament is very similar to being a Congressman here. It was so awesome!! It was really incredible for our team and Noodles and Sam to see each other from around the world. In the video you can see windows behind us and it is daylight on their side and dark on the ours with Noodles and Sam sitting there on his desk helping him out. The kids had come ready to ask the Cambodian school kids all kinds of questions so when they found out they were going to be speaking to a member of the Parliament they switched quickly and asked some great questions. Although the conversation was in english we did have someone fluent in both languages on our side help translate a few "american english" words to help the call. It was a really cool learning experience and we can't wait to do it again. We are set to do in January with the school in Wyoming and we have confirmed the have internet in the class.
So what about the money? Well Noodles and Sam will be leaving today and heading to the elementary school in Battembang. When they get there the school principal is going to video tape Noodles and Sam's visit, the donation and the kids answering Noodle's and Sam questions that we sent (the ones they were going to ask last night). When they are done he is going to send the tape back with Noodles and Sam. Hopefully this will work out, it seems a little easier.
We started editing the Skype video call today; because we are a little new to video stuff it takes longer we are hoping to finish it this weekend and have it on our site by Monday, thats the plan.
On a totally different subject, Noodles and Sam were invited to go sky diving in early November. They are going to make a video of that so that should be really fun to!
Thank you again for all of your great e-mails. Please keep sending your ideas and requests, we love to read them. Today, we just want to say a HUGE, we mean GIANT thank you to Cortina, Jolie and Miza for making it all happen yesterday!!!

Until next time,
The Adventures of Noodles and Sam Team

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Time to Get Excited

Noodles and Sam say Hello from Cambodia,
We have heard from them a few times since Saturday and they are having a fantastic time. They said the people are amazing and generous, their hosts have been excellent tour guides; teaching them so much and the country is over flowing with rich culture. They said that everybody should visit Cambodia sometime. Things have been going so well that they have even sent a few pictures already. Tomorrow Noodles and Sam will be heading to the city of Battembang where the school is located. Due to the time difference from Cambodia to here we will be doing the Skype video call tomorrow evening (if all goes well). We have to keep in mind that evening here is morning there. We are so eager and thrilled about seeing and talking to Noodles and Sam and the kids from the school there while we are here.
We follow that good news with more good news. As we have all come to expect good news seems to like hanging around The Adventures of Noodles and Sam. We finally received the pictures from their Minnesota and Idaho adventures last night. We only had a chance to peak at them but they looked great. We should have them up by tomorrow. We want to thank Kathy and Jeff for being such a great hosts (even if they are USC fans, as you will see)Thank you again!
Over the weekend Noodles and Sam finished the "Congress Adventure" video they had been working on. It took them a little longer than expected but it looks great. They had fun doing it and had a lot of great ideas in putting it together. We want to thank Megan and the team at the Congressman's office again for making it happen. Check out the video on our Blog page or on our website and let us know what you think.
We also want to thank the great people at PETA for commenting on the Noodles and Sam Humane Society video and putting a link to it on their website. We have received so much attention from that, it's crazy! It does make Noodles and Sam feel like they are really making a difference. They want to remind you that their dog Josie is from the pound and she is great. You all can make a difference too.
We always want to thank you for all of the great e-mails we receive. You all are kind and supportive and we really do appreciate everyone we get. We would like to say a special hello to our new friends in London, England and San Antonio, Texas, USA and North Hollywood, California, USA
Until next time,
The Adventure of Noodles and Sam team

Friday, October 8, 2010

Noodles & Sam, Our Ambassadors to the World

Noodles and Sam say "Jum-reap soo-a (or Hello),"
They have been practicing different sayings like hello in the Cambodian language in anticipation of their trip. As you know they are headed to Cambodia tomorrow and will be there for the next week or so. They have been pretty excited about this trip for awhile now. We want to thank everybody who donated money for the school kids they will be visiting. We had a lot of generous donors and just beat our goal of $150. The money is going to be well spent and we know the kids will be very excited when they get it. The money will go along way in Cambodia and the kids there will be able to use it for many things. The school they will be visiting is located in Battembang, Cambodia. We were told today that there is limited internet access at the school if any. We are hoping to do the Skype video call from the school but if not we have worked it out to do the call with some of the kids from the school at the nearest point with internet access.We are really excited and want to thank our donors and our hosts for making it possible.
It has been a really busy week around here, in a good way. We didn't get as much done on our new videos and on our new pictures as we wanted to. We are still learning how to edit and adjust the videos we take so it takes a little longer to get them on our website than our normal adventure pictures do. We should have our videos with the Congressman and our video book reviews all on the site this weekend. It should be a beautiful weekend here, perfect for catching up.
Which brings up a little side note; Noodles and Sam checked and while the weather should be beautiful here this weekend it is going to be about 90 degrees and raining in Cambodia. They are excited to be there and experience how different our world is but also see how somethings don't change no matter where you are in the world. Things like how there are nice and caring people everywhere; it could be Japan, South Africa, Cambodia or right out your back door. We are learning many things from Noodles and Sam and from all of their adventures. They have helped us learn about what a Congressman does, or how many planets there are or even the name of the South African President. Most of all they have allowed us to connect to people of all ages, colors, borders, languages, religions and brought us together as one. Noodles and Sam have made these far away people and places seem like they weren't so far away; even as if they were right next door. Noodles and Sam's hope is that you will feel the same way and that they will be our ambassadors to the world.
Please let us know if you would like Noodles and Sam to come visit you. It doesn't matter how small your town is; every place is special. In January they will be visiting a town in Wyoming, USA that has an official population of 12 residents. As we mentioned Noodles and Sam will doing another Skype video call from there elementary school near the town they will be visiting. They will also be spending a day with a few of the kids there. They are going to see what life is like for the kids and what they have to do besides school and homework. We are told that before school some of the kids have to get up really early and feed the farm animals even when it is below zero temperatures and all kinds of stuff like that. Noodles and Sam are really looking forward to seeing what life is like for the kids there.
Thank you again for all the great e-mails! We love getting them. We will be sending out our new Noodles and Sam wristbands this weekend to all of the Noodles and Sam fan club members. Send us an e-mail if you would like one and you aren't a fan club member yet.
We would like to say a special hello to our new friends in Maryland, USA, Bali, India and Stockholm, Sweden.
Until next time,
The Adventures of Noodles and Sam team

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Friends Around The World

Noodles and Sam say Hello!
It seems almost like every day and every week there is something great happening or in the planning stages with Noodles and Sam. Thanks to all of you they have thousands of friends around the world. They will be visiting each one of you, one adventure at a time and have "The Adventures of Noodles and Sam" website be the place where we can all experience the adventures together. None of this would be possible without you, you are "The Adventures with Noodles and Sam".
We still haven't received the pictures back from our Minnesota and Idaho adventures as well as our UPS learning adventure but we are expecting them any day. We will be sure to get them on the site as soon as we get them. We did get the pictures back from our Japan adventure. We put them on the site yesterday and they are great. We had an awesome time and want to thank Jim and Adam for being such great adventure guides. We have the pictures on the site and will have some info about Japan on the site in the next day or two. Check them out, we think you will like them!
Noodles and Sam found out yesterday that PETA put a link on their website to ours with our Humane Society video. The video meant a lot to Noodles and Sam and hope it helps all the animals in shelters. Our dog is from a shelter and she is the best!
We visited the office of Congressman David Dreier on Monday. We want to thank Megan and the Congressman for putting it together. Although he wasn't able to make it back from Washington D.C. in time we had a good time learning about what he does. We learned a lot! Noodles and Sam made a video of the trip and will have it on the website soon. They are trying to arrange a trip for Noodles and Sam to visit the Congressman in Washington D.C., we will keep you posted on that learning adventure.
Our Cambodia, Hawaii, and Washington adventures are all coming up soon. We have several others in the scheduling stages now. Keep your invitations coming, although there is only one Noodles and Sam they get really creative when it comes to adding trips to their schedule.
We want to say a special hello to our new friends in Manilla, Philippines, Auckland, New Zealand and Las Vegas, Nevada
Until next time,
The Adventures of Noodles and Sam team

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Special Time of Year

Hello everybody!
Noodles and Sam made it back from Japan and are all rested up. They heard from their Minnesota and Idaho adventure hosts and should be getting the trip pictures tomorrow or Wednesday. We will get those up as soon as we get them.
You may have seen but in case you didn't they made a new video yesterday and we have put it on the site for them. It is a quick update of what is happening this week. They had a great time making it as you will see. They have some great news to share with everybody. They received an invitation to go to Germany around Christmas time. They told us that Christmas is a very, very special time of year there. They will spend Christmas in Germany but New years at home. We are sad that they won't be with us but happy that they will be sharing such a special time with new friends and learning about such an interesting place like Germany. They also received an invitation to go to Wyoming in January. All of their adventures have been great but this one is shaping up to be awesome! Noodles and Sam will be visiting a first grade class when they get there. We will then do another Skype video call from the classroom but this time we are going to try (try is the key word) to do the video call to our classroom. This will allow the students in Wyoming to see our class and us to see theirs. There is some other things we are going to be doing but we will save that for the next blog.
They are pretty busy and have a lot to get dialed in before they leave for Cambodia but they always have time for your e-mails. Please continue to send them; they love reading and responding to all of them. We want to say hello to our new friends in Upton, Wyoming, USA, Germany and Ontario, California, USA
Until next time,
The Adventures of Noodles and Sam team