Monday, October 4, 2010

A Special Time of Year

Hello everybody!
Noodles and Sam made it back from Japan and are all rested up. They heard from their Minnesota and Idaho adventure hosts and should be getting the trip pictures tomorrow or Wednesday. We will get those up as soon as we get them.
You may have seen but in case you didn't they made a new video yesterday and we have put it on the site for them. It is a quick update of what is happening this week. They had a great time making it as you will see. They have some great news to share with everybody. They received an invitation to go to Germany around Christmas time. They told us that Christmas is a very, very special time of year there. They will spend Christmas in Germany but New years at home. We are sad that they won't be with us but happy that they will be sharing such a special time with new friends and learning about such an interesting place like Germany. They also received an invitation to go to Wyoming in January. All of their adventures have been great but this one is shaping up to be awesome! Noodles and Sam will be visiting a first grade class when they get there. We will then do another Skype video call from the classroom but this time we are going to try (try is the key word) to do the video call to our classroom. This will allow the students in Wyoming to see our class and us to see theirs. There is some other things we are going to be doing but we will save that for the next blog.
They are pretty busy and have a lot to get dialed in before they leave for Cambodia but they always have time for your e-mails. Please continue to send them; they love reading and responding to all of them. We want to say hello to our new friends in Upton, Wyoming, USA, Germany and Ontario, California, USA
Until next time,
The Adventures of Noodles and Sam team

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